
Warmonger’s destruction system allows for dynamic gameplay to emerge from the results of combat. Explosives, rockets, and indirect fire can literally blow holes in a map and create new flow. Each map can be played completely differently every time making map “memorization” useless. Rather, a new tactical savvy will be born in the Warmonger player; an adaptive and conscious use of destructive power.

Denying an enemy access to, or passage through an area has been a critical tactical doctrine throughout the history of armed conflict: if you can control where your enemy goes you have the advantage. Warmonger allows players to blow through walls, take down staircases, and remove by force, any obstructions. The key to success in using destruction is turning the power of the weapon you have at hand against the environment.

Taking cover and seeking concealment take on a whole new meaning in these environments. An old piece of plywood may conceal you, but don’t rely on it for cover. In fact, even a brick wall may not be enough protection if your enemy has a minigun, or an RPG launcher. Conversely hunting down an enemy who is hiding presents a new challenge once you find him; can you remove his cover for a clear shot?


The burned out and destroyed environments of Warmonger have a unique life of their own. Through destruction, the lines of sight and pathways can change, fires create smoke and embers that move through the maps effected by wind and the force of explosions. Movement in Warmonger represents a force, an action, not just a pretty effect.

Smoke filled hallways can block your line of sight, but a well placed grenade can temporarily blow out the smoke and allow you a clear view. This kind of interaction makes Warmonger unique, a place where you can effect the environment in some way at every turn.