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What is Warmonger?
Warmonger is a first person shooter developed by NetDevil using Ageia PhysX technology to deliver fully destructible game environments.
What are the minimum system requirements to play Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6400 (2MB L2 Cache,2.13GHz,1066) or equivalent
GPU: Nvidia 7900 graphics card or equivalent
PPU: PhysX 100 Series Processor strongly recommended, with system software 7.11.13 or later
HD: 1.8GB of available space
Is Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction *really* Free?
Ohhh yeah baby!
Does Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction require a PhysX card to play?
Warmonger was developed on and optimized for the Ageia PhysX card. Game performance will be greatly degraded without PhysX hardware. It is strongly recommended that you have a PhysX card installed in order to fully experience this game.
What version/model of PhysX is required to play Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
Any Ageia PhysX card with the latest drivers from will run Warmonger.
How do I play Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction online?
Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction comes bundled with GameSpy Comrade. GameSpy Comrade allows you to find other players currently playing.
How can I set up a dedicated server for Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
For detailed instructions on how to set up a dedicated server with Warmonger, see the Readme.doc
How do I play Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction over a LAN?
There is an IP edit box in the Warmonger user interface under the Multiplayer menu. Type in your LAN�s IP from there and you can host or join a game on the LAN.
Does Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction come with an Editor?
How many players can play Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction on a server?
Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction can hold up to 32 players on a server (16 per side). Performance will depend on the power of the server.
How many game types are there in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
There are 2 game types in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction. Capture and Hold and Team Deathmatch.
How is destruction utilized in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
Destruction can be used to destroy cover, create new paths in gameplay or destroy existing paths.
Do dedicated servers need a PhysX card to host a game?
No. Dedicated servers do not need a PhysX card installed.
Is the entire environment destroyable?
Destruction elements are introduced in different ways throughout Warmonger. Some levels have more destruction than others. In order to make sure the level cannot be completely leveled, not all objects are destroyable in the environment. This mostly applies to core gameplay objects and/or objects that line the borders of the level.
How many weapons are in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction has 5 weapons. It has 3 primary weapons, 1 side arm and 1 melee weapon. In Attack/Defend and Capture and hold, weapons are distributed through a class system. In Team Deathmatch, players can get weapons that are dropped in the level.
How many levels come with Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction comes with 5 multiplayer levels and 1 training level.
How will Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction be distributed?
Through free download from IGN�s File Planet and other partners.
How can I check my stats in Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction?
Follow these steps to create and manage a Warmonger Stats Account:

  1. Visit and click Warmonger � Operation: Downtown Destruction under Create a new account.
  2. If you haven�t already, you will be prompted to create a new NetDevil ID, or you may sign into your existing NetDevil ID.
  3. You can then create your Warmonger stats login.
  4. Log in with your stats account from the Warmonger game client in the Multi-Player menu to enable tracking.
  5. Check your stats at